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  • Nutrition. What to eat, which herbs to try, and how much water to drink
  • Answers. Insights into the root causes behind your symptoms from constipation and diarrhea to frequent colds and flus to insomnia that won't stop
  • Solutions. Natural, at-home remedies to soothe the uncomfortable symptoms that brought you to us
  • Ideas. Which forms of exercise are best for you, ways to improve digestion and sleep, creating habits and more


Not only does Your Iris Explained barely scratch the surface of information we can get from your iris, but the life-changing results you're looking for take at least 3 - 6 months. We can go deeper with our health coaching packages.

Your Iris Explained is for the movers and shakers of the world to help them own their health by taking the guesswork out of their unique needs and creating a personalized holistic health plan that will unlock their full potential.